TriNaranjus TV Commercial - Spain

In the story Rasmus has to pull his head and legs into his just like a turtle under its shell. Since this is not physically possible for a dog, it was necessary to make an exact copy of Rasmus which could do this stunt. The pictures below are from the company that made the model and where Rasmus had to stand model several times. 

The film sequences with Rasmus had to be copied into the correct surroundings, which were a small village in South-America. It was therefore necessary to have Rasmus act on a particular spot on a green carpet placed in a green room. Rasmus therefore had to learn the sequence very accurately since he could not see "the village".


Rasmus introduceres til første udgave af sin kopi

Rasmus og kopi før farvning

Teknikken forberedes Tandsættet sættes i
Finjustering Rasmus og kopi før optagelserne