About the Book


With basis in the dog's natural behaviour

The book takes its basis in the dog's natural behaviour and highlights what this means in relation to our family dogs, how best to use this knowledge positively, and how best to dampen the few characteristics that could cause problems. This knowledge, combined with the author's extensive practical experience with dogs, has resulted in the creation of a practical guidance on how best to approach the acquisition, upbringing, education and training of a dog from before it is selected and until it turns two years old. It is essential that the education of the puppy begins as soon as it arrives in its new home at the age of 8 weeks, but at the same time it is important not to make too many mistakes because it is a relatively immature creature we are dealing with. It is tried throughout the book to give the reader the necessary background to understand why he / she should follow the recommendations in a given situation. The reason is that it is usually easier to remember an advice if the reason for it is understood and it is a requirement in order to be able to apply it to a situation that is not identical to the situation described in the book - something that will be the case in most situations!.

For All Dog Owners

The book will both help the first-time dog owner to a good start and how to stay in control of the situation by providing the owner with a better understanding what goes on inside the puppy's head, but it will also offer interesting nuances, new approaches and tricks for even the experienced dog trainer. The book is written for all dog owners and attempts in a clear and concise manner to explain how things are connected without assuming that the reader has extensive background knowledge of the subject.

Three Parts

Part One provides relevant background information on the development stages a puppy goes through from birth to adulthood. This knowledge is subsequently used for a thorough description of the implications this has for the practical education of the puppy and the young dog. Moreover, it provides advice on the choice of breed, some much needed recommendations on how to choose breed and breeders and finally the author gives all of her own experience when it comes to selecting the best puppy.


Part Two covers the theoretical basis of the most important learning and training techniques, and transfers them into the practical training situation, making them simple and accessible. The intention is to remove all the mystery from the subject without ever compromising on correctness.


Part Three deals with the dog's language. It is tried to give this topic a completely new and very systematic approach, so that the reader can easily find, follow and remember the underlying principles. This is considered to be very important because no one can teach or train a dog anything without understanding what it expresses, and the types of misunderstandings that can arise from the accidental use of certain types of postures and facial expressions.


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